Table of contentsChapter 1 General introduction Chapter 2 Prevalence and determinants of undernutrition in a sample of Dutch community-dwelling older adults: Results from two online screening tools.Chapter 3 Cross-country differences and similarities in undernutrition prevalence and risk as measured by SCREEN II in communitydwelling older adults.Chapter 4 What do screening tools measure? lessons learned from SCREEN II and SNAQ 65+ .Chapter 5 The ConsuMEER study: A randomized trial towards the effectiveness of protein-rich ready-made meals and protein-rich dairy products in increasing protein intake of community-dwelling older adults after switching from self-prepared meals towards ready-made meals.Chapter 6 Behavioural and cognitive problems as determinants of malnutrition in long-term care facilities, a cross-sectional and prospective study.Chapter 7 Diseases, health-related problems and the incidence of malnutrition in long-term care facilities.Chapter 8 Low protein and energy intake in Dutch nursing homes residents.Chapter 9 General discussion.