Most of the durian plants in Indonesia come from old and grow wild trees, not from tree selection. The durian developed by farmers in Sukowono and Sumberjambe is a local durian trees. This is a factor causing the erosion of germplasm, so that the existence and sustainability of local durian plants is threatened. This fact certainly requires attention from all parties in preserving the parent tree of germplasm, especially by knowing the diversity of durian variants and planting in collection gardens. The parent tree is an individual tree that has the requirements as a seed-producing tree. Steps to determine the diversity of durian can be done by mapping and identifying the character of the durian parent tree. The mapping was carried out through a series of exploration, inventory and characterization activities for durian plants. This activity will help efforts to develop durian fruit that has commercial value while also preserving its genetic resources from extinction. Activities will be held from August to December 2022 in Sukowono and Sumberjambe, Jember Regency. The parameters observed in this activity were tree age, tree height, stem circumference, petiole length, leaf shape, leaf length, leaf width, leaf color, and plant productivity in fruiting each season.