Background / Aim. Gender as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases has been the subject of research in numerous studies. All of them warn of shortcomings in the diagnosis and treatment of women with coronary artery disease. The aim of the paper to determine whether there is a difference in the effects of cardiovascular rehabilitation on the tolerance of physical strain related to gender in examinees with coronary artery disease. Methods.The study involved 684 patients, 506 (74.0%) men and 178 (26.0%) women. All respondents were referred to the cardiovascular rehabilitation program after surviving heart attack, percutaneous coronary intervention or surgical myocardial revascularization. During a three-week program of cardiovascular rehabilitation, patients were subjected to dosed and personalized physical training. At the beginning and at the end of rehabilitation, all patients were tested for physical strain. Results. The average strain level in men was significantly higher in the second test (t = 4.368; p <0.001). Also, the duration of the test was significantly longer in the second test (Z = 11.836; p <0.001). In women, the average strain level was significantly higher (t = 5.352; p <0.001), and the duration of the test was significantly longer in the second test (Z = 7.471; p <0.001). Conclusion. A three-week program of cardiovascular rehabilitation has led to an improvement in the tolerance of physical strain in both men and women. Our research has once again proved that women have an equal benefit from the implementation of the cardiovascular rehabilitation (CVR).Nevertheless, women rarely participate in CVR programs. It is necessary to make additional efforts in order to further educate physicians and other medical staff about the importance of sending women to the cardiovascular rehabilitation program. Key words: coronary artery disease, cardiovascular rehabilitation, women. Apstrakt Uvod / Cilj. Pol kao faktor rizika za KVB je bio predmet ispitivanja u brojnim studijama. Sve one upozoravaju na nedostatke u dijagnostičkom pristupu i načinu lečenja žena obolelih od koronarne bolesti srca. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi da li postoji razlika u efektima kardiovaskularne rehabilitacije na toleranciju fizičkog napora u odnosu na pol kod ispitanika sa koronarnom bolešću srca. Metode. U ispitivanje je uključeno 684