This research was motivated by the potential sources of genetic diversity of shallot cultivars, originated from several districts in Southeast Sulawesi. Sources of genetic diversity are one of the defining factors of the success of plant breeding programs to develop new cultivars with the desired traits. The purpose of this study was to identify the genetic characteristics of several shallot cultivars from Southeast Sulawesi through Karyotype Analysis. This research was conducted at the Agrotechnology Laboratory, In Vitro Unit, Agriculture Faculty, Halu Oleo University.This research used methods which were according to Carnoy I in fixating, Gertsel in hydrolysing and La Cour in staining the chromosome. The observed variables in this study were chromosome size, centromere index and chromosome shape. Data analysis was determined based on the results of chromosome length measurements using ImageJ software, Photoshop CS3 and Inkscape. The result showed Wakatobi, Konawe and Buton cultivars had different karyotype formulas, while Bombana and Bau-bau cultivars had similar karyotype formulas.