How Much Linguistics in Slavistics, How Much Slavistics in Linguistics?The author makes an attempt to discuss the current role of linguistics among other disciplines of Slavonic studies (Slavistics), i.e. literature and cultural studies. The second part of the question in the title refers to the place of Slavonic linguistic studies within contemporary Polish linguistics. On the basis of preliminary observations and queries one may propose several hypotheses: 1) Slavonic linguistics in Poland differs significantly from the research on Polish language, both with regard to methodology and topics; 1.a) Inside Slavonic linguistics there is another division, between Russian and non-Russian Slavistics; 2) Slavonic and Polish Linguistics are also divided in the frames of Polish universities and Academy of Sciences; c) The main scientific forums, such as journals and conferences, reflect the divisions mentioned above, what results in relatively isolated communities in various fields of Slavonic linguistics, i.e. research on Polish, Russian and other Slavonic languages. To justify and illustrate the hypotheses in question, the author analyses the organizational structures of selected scientific centres, the contents of the most distinguished linguistic journals in Poland, as well as themes of conferences and the International Congress of Slavists.