Mumpa village is a village as a coconut producer. In order to increase the economy of the people in Mumpa Village, after the occurrence of Covid-19, it is best if the coconuts can be processed into finished ingredients or products in the form of soy sauce made from coconut water.Soy sauce is a kitchen spice or flavor enhancer in food. Coconut water contains nutrients, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, ascorbic acid, and others. In everyday life, not many people use coconut water to the fullest. There is still a lot of coconut water that residents throw away in vain as waste. Although some residents already use coconut water to make a number of processed products, including: vinegar, coconut water drinks (canned), nata de coco, and shortening. In this study, we tried to research soy sauce products made from coconut water as raw material, given the many nutrients contained in coconut water, so we felt it was important to reprocess them into household products, which in the future the soy sauce could be used as a home industry, in an effort to increase community income, especially in Mumpa Village, such as household businesses or Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Due to the declining economic condition of the community after the Covid 19 pandemic, it has had a huge impact on the people's economy, making a product that can be marketed is a solution for the people's economy.
Desa mumpa merupakan desa sebagai penghasil kelapa. Agar meningkatnya perekonomian masyarakat di desa mumpa, pasca terjadinya covid-19, maka sebaiknya kelapa tersebut dapat diolah menjadi bahan jadi atau produk berupa kecap terbuat dari air kelapa. Kecap merupakan bumbu dapur atau penyedap rasa pada makanan. Air kelapa mengandung gizi, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kalsium, phospor, besi, asam askorbat, dan lain-lain. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, masyarakat belum banyak yang memanfaatkan air kelapa secara maksimal. Masih banyak air kelapa yang dibuang penduduk secara sia-sia sebagai limbah. Walaupun sebagian penduduk sudah memanfaatkan air kelapa menjadi beberapa macam produk olahan, antara lain: cuka manis (vinegar), minuman air kelapa (kalengan), nata de coco, dan bahan pengembang roti (shortening). Dalam penelitian ini, kami mencoba meneliti mengenai produk kecap yang terbuat dari bahan baku air kelapa, mengingat banyaknya gizi yang terkandung diair kelapa, sehingga merasa penting untuk diolah kembali menjadi produk rumah tangga, yang nantinya Kecap tersebut dapat dijadikan industri rumah tangga, dalam upaya meningkatkan penghasilan masyarakat khususnya di desa mumpa seperti usaha rumah tangga atau Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah. Karena kondisi perekonomian masyarakat yang menurun pasca pandemi Covid 19, sangat bedampak terhadap perekonomian masyarakat.