This article investigates the influence of a novel construct, Empathic Resonance and its three dimensions—helping behavior, empathic concern, and perspective-taking—on street-level bureaucrats’ discretion. Mental health factors’ effect on bureaucrats’ behavior during implementation and enforcement through the moderating role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) perception were also examined. Approximately 1,214 bureaucrats were surveyed about various aspects of Empathic Resonance, including its dimensions, discretion, mental health, and AI perception. Empathic Resonance, characterized by the ability to understand, assist, and maintain positive relationships with clients, and regulate and comprehend one’s own emotions and those of others, significantly impacted discretion, and mental health among street-level bureaucrats. Analyses included the contributions of helping behavior, empathic concern, and perspective-taking to Empathic Resonance, and showed that certain mental health factors, including depression, anxiety, and stress, negatively influenced bureaucrats’ discretion; this relationship was intensified by their views regarding AI. These findings highlight the importance of Empathic Resonance, its dimensions, mental health, and AI perception in understanding and enhancing discretion among street-level bureaucrats and emphasize the need for further research.