Children from Diabetes Alert families show only marginal excess of severe obesity (> 95th percentile of BMI) when compared to the general population of children surveyed in Starr County schools. Girls from these families, but not boys, have excess fatness in the BMI compared to Mexican American children from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES); suprailiac skinfold thicknesses are also greater in children of the Diabetes Alert study than in HHANES children. From 1972 through 1982, Mexican American children in South Texas showed an increase in average stature, weight, and the BMI. These data together suggest that excessive obesity exists and may be increasing in children in populations at risk for NIDDM. The prevention of NIDDM in the Mexican American population may be more effective if educational and promotional interventions include the school aged population. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.