This study aimed to study the botanical composition and feed quality for swamp buffalo in Jembrana Regency, province of Bali - Indonesia. Research using the survey method use samples obtained by proportional stratified sampling for the five districts in Jembrana Regency. Measuring the production and botanical composition of forage was carried out by using the square in the “Actual Weight Estimate” method. Chemical analysis of the feed carried out at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Animal Feed Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Udayana. The results showed that the botanical composition of forage for swamp buffalo consisted of Brachiaria reptans, Panikum repen, Lercia Hexandra, Cynodon dactylon, Ischainum sp, Digitaria sp, Alysicarpus vaginalis, and weed. Only Alysicarpus vaginalis as leguminous plants have been detected. The crude protein content of the ration was quite high, namely 12.94% with a digestibility of 66.73%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the botanical composition of forage for swamp buffalo in Jembrana Regency is quite diverse with good quality. Leguminous plant introduction needs to be done to improve feed quality.