In addition to ensuring the continuity of life in the natural environment, people also need some social and physical activities. In order to meet these needs, they should share their environment and be together with other people in a social interaction area. These common areas, which people need to use under the same conditions without considering a certain value or privilege, constitute public spaces. These urban areas have a number of social, physical, intellectual, perceptual and psychological effects on people. These effects determine the standards of life of the community and the quality of relationship that people establish with the place. Are the spaces pressed between the coast and the city comfortable enough? Is the relationship with water strong enough in these areas? In this study, as a public space, the quality of the space on the shores of the river was examined in the Frankfurt-Main River and the relationship between the city and public open spaces was evaluated. Consequently, in this study conducted in more than 1000 public spaces around the world, four basic quality criteria for a successful public space are; "access & connections, use & actions, comfort & form, sociability" (Madden, 2001: 11-20). In this study, the historical period between Main river and Frankfurt city; the relationship between the coasts and the town, the use of public spaces on the coasts, the measurement of the quality of the spaces between the coasts and the city, the observation and literature research, the map and photograph and documentation method, Lynch's 'good city It has been examined through the criteria of vitality (a healthy environment), feeling (sense of place and identity), adaptation, access and control (Lynch K., 1984). By creating a scoreboard, a report on the study was created. The Bahnhofsviertel, which forms the rich historical texture of the city, and the public coastal areas between the Altstadt and the Sachsenhausen region, which forms the other side of the river, and Römerberg square and Dom square form the working boundaries. Based on the information, observations and literature research obtained as a result of this study, to make a public space quality assessment in the coastal areas between the Frankfurt and Main river, to contribute to the development of coastal areas and to contribute to the improvement of the quality of the space on the coasts by making suggestions for future coastal use.