Christian leadership in the current era of disruption looks like it has lost its way, especially in terms of examples. This article aims to re-open the eyes of Christian leaders who are already satisfied with their leadership style, let alone feel they are the most spiritual. Often say and recite the word of God in sermons and advice but ignore the meaning that can be used as a benchmark for a healthy leader for the people he leads. By studying Ps. 23:1 regarding the image that God is my shepherd, invites the reader to interpret literally the meaning of the metaphor in the canticle, where the magnitude of the role of a shepherd (leader) is in the life of the Israelites. By using the text analysis method in finding and understanding the meaning of the verse both lexically and in in-depth grammatical exploration through text analysis, Allah is my shepherd and making it happen for pastoral leadership in the era of disruption. It is described that the intention of the psalmist is like a hope that the Israelites (sheep) can always be under God's guidance through leaders (prophets, kings, elders, and priests) who imitate God as the picture of the perfect Shepherd at that time. Thus, in the era of disruption, it is hoped that shepherds can emulate and be the answer to David's song, and have a positive impact in serving believers (Christians). To always hope in God. As well as having leaders who imitate Christ and lead believers in responding to the changing times that are getting faster.Abstrak: Kepemimpinan Kristen di era disrupsi saat ini terlihat seperti kehilangan arah terutama dalam hal keteladanan. Tulisan ini bertujuan membuka kembali mata para pemimpin Kristiani yang sudah merasa puas terhadap gaya kepemimpinannya, apalagi merasa paling rohani. Sering mengucapkan dan melafalkan firman Tuhan di dalam khotbah dan nasihat-nasihat namun mengabaikan makna yang dapat dijadikan sebuah tolak ukur pemimpin yang sehat bagi orang-orang yang dipimpinnya. Dengan mengkaji Mzm. 23:1 mengenai gambaran Allah adalah gembalaku, mengajak pembaca memaknai secara harafiah maksud dari metafora di dalam kantikel tersebut, di mana besarnya peran seorang gembala (pemimpin) dalam kehidupan bangsa Israel. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis teks dalam menemukan dan menafsirkan makna Article History