The major keratins in the pancreas and liver are keratins 8 and 18 (K8/K18), but their function seemingly differs in that liver K8/K18 are essential cytoprotective proteins, whereas pancreatic K8/K18 are dispensable. This functional dichotomy raises the hypothesis that K8-null pancreata may undergo compensatory cytoprotective gene expression. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the gene expression profile in pancreata of wild-type and K8-null mice. Most prominent among the up-regulated genes in K8-null pancreas was mRNA for regenerating islet-derived (Reg)-II, which was confirmed by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and by an anti-Reg-II peptide antibody we generated. Both K8-null and wild-type mice express Reg-II predominantly in acinar cells as determined by in situ hybridization and immunostaining. Analysis of Reg-II expression in various keratin-related transgenic mouse models showed that its induction also occurs in response to keratin cytoplasmic filament collapse, absence, or ablation of K18 Ser52 but not Ser33 phosphorylation via Ser-to-Ala mutation, which represent situations associated with predisposition to liver but not pancreatic injury. In wild-type mice, Reg-II is markedly up-regulated in two established pancreatitis models in response to injury and during the recovery phase. Thus, Reg-II is a likely mouse exocrine pancreas cytoprotective candidate protein whose expression is regulated by keratin filament organization and phosphorylation.
INTRODUCTIONIntermediate filaments (IFs), microfilaments, and microtubules are the three major cytoskeletal protein groups of mammalian cells (Bershadsky and Vasiliev, 1988;Ku et al., 1999). All IFs share a common prototype structure consisting of a coiled-coil ␣-helical rod domain that is interrupted by linkers and flanked by non-␣-helical N-terminal "head" and C-terminal "tail" domains (Fuchs and Cleveland, 1998;Herrmann et al., 2003;Coulombe and Wong, 2004;Herrmann and Aebi, 2004). Within the IF family, keratins are the largest subfamily, and they make up the IFs of epithelial cells, whereas other IFs are characteristic of unique cell types (e.g., desmin in myocytes, neurofilaments in neuronal cells). This tissue-specific expression reflects the involvement of IFs in a broad range of tissue-selective human diseases (Fuchs and Cleveland, 1998;Omary et al., 2004). Keratins (K) include the type I and type II IFs, and all epithelial cells express at least one type I and one type II keratins as obligate noncovalent heteropolymers (Moll et al., 1982;Schweizer et al., 2006). In simple-type epithelia, as found in the liver, pancreas, and intestine, the major keratins are K18/K19/K20 (type I) and K7/K8 (type II), with the K8/K18 pair being dominant depending on the tissue (Moll et al., 1982;Ku et al., 1999;Herrmann et al., 2003;Zhou et al., 2003).Keratin networks are versatile structures that undergo dynamic reorganization in response to a variety of intra-and extracellular cues. Posttranslational modifications and keratin-binding partners...