h i g h l i g h t s• LOCA (Loss Of Coolant Accident) parametric assessment of galleries (surrounding tokamak) pressurization in case of Toroidal field coils cryogenic He release.• LOCA parametric assessment of galleries pressurization in case of Vacuum Vessel coolant release.• ITER2000 layout scaling to DEMO dimension exploiting TF coils as scaling parameter.• Sensitivity analysis, exploiting fast running thermo hydraulic code CONSEN5, on: available expansion volume, coolant inventory partitioning.• Beyond design basis accident assessment in case of simultaneous release of cryogenic He from TF coils and water from VV cooling loop.
a b s t r a c tRadioactive toxins confinement is a main safety function for fusion power plants, hence the importance of confinement design parameters optimization. Moving from this perspective, two Loss of Coolant Accidents (LOCAs) were analyzed: loss of water from Vacuum Vessel (VV) cooling loop and loss of cryogenic helium from Toroidal Field (TF) cooling loop. In fact these two LOCAs may result into galleries pressurization possibly jeopardizing this second confinement boundary for radioactive toxins.Publicly available ITER data (2000 baseline design) have been scaled to DEMO. A set of sensitivity simulation analyses are performed on main variables (coolant inventories, enthalpy, rooms volume, etc.) in order to derive resulting galleries pressure and temperature conditions.As first design feedback to keep gallery pressure below an assumed design pressure of 120 kPa, the VV H2O LOCA requires pressure reduction (e.g. increase expansion volume, inventory partitioning, sprinkler), while TF He LOCA requires releasable inventory to be limited at about 4.4 tons and Cryo-systems designed against Common Mode Failure (e.g. seismic and fire, quench valve failure).