Archaeological heritage sites are a special object of real estate; they have a particular legal status and state protection issues. This article describes the state cadastral registration of archaeological monuments and sites, as well as the function of the state cadaster in their protection by the state. The registration procedure for state protection includes a number of measures. For instance, land plots that contain an archeological monument in their boundaries are subject to encumbrance or restriction of ownership rights. Certain information about cultural heritage sites cannot be published openly if the site enters the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage of the Nations of the Russian Federation. The author how the Kemerovo Region and other regions register their archaeological monuments and sites in the Russian State Register (Rosreestr), the State Land Registry (Roskadastr), and the Unified State Register of Real Estate. The current procedure for state cadastral registration needs some improvements in relation to archaeological heritage sites. Under the modern conditions, the ban on publishing the location of archaeological sites is ineffective.