It has recently been found that bosonic excitations of ordered media, such as phonons or spinons, can exhibit topologically nontrivial band structures. Of particular interest are magnon and triplon excitations in quantum magnets, as they can easily be manipulated by an applied field. Here we study triplon excitations in an S=1/2 quantum spin ladder and show that they exhibit nontrivial topology, even in the quantum-disordered paramagnetic phase. Our analysis reveals that the paramagnetic phase actually consists of two separate regions with topologically distinct triplon excitations. We demonstrate that the topological transition between these two regions can be tuned by an external magnetic field. The winding number that characterizes the topology of the triplons is derived and evaluated. By the bulk-boundary correspondence, we find that the non-zero winding number implies the presence of localized triplon end states. Experimental signatures and possible physical realizations of the topological paramagnetic phase are discussed.The last decade has witnessed tremendous progress in understanding and classifying topological band structures of fermions [1][2][3][4]. Soon after the discovery of fermionic topological insulators [5,6], it was recognized that bosonic excitations of ordered media can as well exhibit topologically nontrivial bands [7][8][9][10][11]. Such bosonic topological bands have been observed not long ago for photons in dielectric superlattices [12]. Theoretical proposals of topological states in polaritonic systems have been made [13][14][15], some of which have been observed experimentally [16]. Besides these examples, bosonic band structures are also realized by elementary excitations of quantum spin systems, e.g., by magnons in (anti)ferromagnets or by triplons in dimerized quantum magnets.The study of these collective spin excitations is enjoying growing interest, due to potential applications for magnonic devices and spintronics [17]. Because magnetic excitations are charge neutral, they are weakly interacting, and therefore exhibit good coherence and support nearly dissipationless spin transport. Moreover, the properties of spin excitations are easily tunable by magnetic fields of moderate strength, as the magnetic interaction scale is in most cases relatively small. Of particular interest are magnetic excitations with nontrivial band structure topology, since they exhibit protected magnon or triplon edges states. This was recently studied for triplons in the ordered phase of the Shastry-Sutherland model [9,18,19] and for magnons in an ordered pyrochlore antiferromagnet [20] as well as in an ordered honeycomb ferromagnet [21]. However, the development of a comprehensive topological band theory for magnetic excitations is still in its infancy. Specifically, it has remained unclear whether topological spin excitations can exist also in quantum disordered paramagnets.In this paper, we address this question by considering, as a prototypical example, the paramagnetic phase of an S=1/2 quantum spin ...