Purpose: This study was a cross-sectional study that aimed to compare the total LESS scores of individuals with PFP with healthy controls and assess the association of pain, function, and psychological factors with LESS score. Methods: Twenty-seven male athletes with PFP completed a standardized jump-landing task. They were compared with a matched, healthy group. Also, participants completed four questionnaires involving the visual analog scale (VAS), Anterior knee pain scale (AKPS), fear of motion (TAMPA), beck anxiety and depression inventory scale (BAI, BDI).Results: PFP group had a higher total LESS score than the control group signi cantly. They had errors when landing with lateral trunk exion and less knee exion in the initial contact. Our results showed a signi cantly strong correlation between VAS, AKPS, and TAMPA with a nal score LESS. Also, a low to moderate signi cant correlation obtained between BAI, BDI and nal score LESS.Conclusions: The LESS is a useful clinical test for evaluating landing errors in people with PFP. Greater kinesiophobia, pain, poorer self-reported function and psychological factors was correlated with a total LESS score.