The reaction CH(CH3)(COOH)z + 12 = CI(CHB)(COOH)~ + H+ + I-was followed spectrophotometrically a t 353 nm and 470 nm a t 25°C under various conditions of pH and methylmalonic acid concentration. The equilibrium constant for the reaction is 0.11 f 0.02. An iterative technique was used to integrate postulated rate equations. Agreement between experimental and calculated absorbance versus time curves was generally better than 0.005 A (approximately 5% of maximum) a t both wavelengths for a mechanism where the ratedetermining step is formation of an enolate (k = 1.63 X f 0.03 X sec-'). The enolate may be rapidly transformed to the enol or enol carboxylate anion depending on the pH. All three forms are rapidly iodinated. The mechanism of general base catalysis is supported by rate increases proportional to base concentration in buffer solutions. The bases, acetate ion, chloracetate ion, sulfate ion, dichloracetate ion, and water, follow a Br6nsted relationship with B = 0.7.