Energy demand has exponentially increased with the increase in the world population and ur-banization. Renewable energy is clean, renewable, and environmentally friendly. Hydrogen production through Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer is an efficient way to produce renewable energy. The efficiency and energy consumption of the PEM electrolyzer depends on the feed water quality. In this report, we study the effect of pH, TDS, and conductivity on hydrogen production as well as energy consumption during the process. pH values (3, 7, 9), TDS values (300ppm, 600ppm, 900ppm), and conductivity values (30mS/cm, 70mS/cm, 100mS/cm) were studied to understand and optimize the hydrogen production using PEM electrolyzer. The in-vestigations showed that hydrogen production is significantly affected by pH, total dissolved solids, and conductivity, and the best levels of each variable were identified by extensive testing. The findings show both the scientific significance of proton exchange electrolysis in meeting the growing energy demands of society as well as the importance of knowing the influence that di-verse conditions have on the creation of hydrogen. Our research, in general, contributes to the expanding body of scientific knowledge on the topic of the effective production of hydrogen and offers useful insights for the continuation of investigation in this field.