The influence of alkaline earth metal ions, alkali metal ions, ammonium ions, and polyamines upon the equilibria between high-salt-washed wheat germ ribosomes and their subunits was investigated by light scattering. The Mgz+-dependent, reversible association of ribosomal subunits was studied with buffers containing 100 mM concentrations of the chloride salts of various monovalent cations. These studies indicate that K+ and Na+ are most effective in dissociating the ribosomes into subunits, followed by Rb+ and then NH4+. The dissociation curves determined with buffers containing K+, Na', Rb', and NH4+ ions exhibit [Mg"] 1/2 values of 1.4, 1.4, 1.2, and 0.7 mM, respectively. The divalent cations, in general, strongly promote subunit association but differ in their abilities to do so. Ca2+ associates the ribosomal subunits more effectively than Sr2+, which is more effective than Mgz+. In the presence of 100 mM KCl and 0.15 mM MgClz, Ca2+-, Sr2+-, and Mgz+-dependent association curvesx e subunits of both eucaryotic and procaryotic ribosomes are capable of reversible association and dissociation. The types and concentrations of various cations present play a major role in determining the position of the equilibrium between the intact ribosome and its subunits. Kinetic, thermodynamic, and ion-specificity studies have been performed with Escherichia coli ribosomes in an effort to explain the roles of MgZ+, K+, and polyamines in the association of the subunits. Conflicting mechanisms have been proposed as a result of these studies. One model suggests that Mgz+ binds to specific sites on the subunits and thereby promotes subunit association (Petermann, 1964;Goldberg, 1966). This model is supported by the data of Zitomer & Flab (1972), who found that MgZ+, Ca2+, and polyamines promote ribosomal subunit association while K+ promotes subunit dissociation. Ca2+, however, was less effective than Mg2+ in promoting subunit association, suggesting that the ions were acting at specific sites. In contrast, the electrostatic model suggests that Mg2+ neutralizes the charged groups on the ribosomal subunits. This reduction in the electrostatic repulsion between the subunits would allow association. The studies of Walters & Van Os (1970, 1971) on yeast ribosomes and Wishnia & Boussert (1977) on E . coli ribosomes support the electrostatic model. Calculations by these groups also showed that the reduction of the electrostatic repulsion by Mg2+ theoretically is sufficient to promote subunit association. Nieuwenhuysen et al. (1980), using Artemia salina ribosomes, have shown that the molar volume changes produced by ribosomal subunit association are similar to those observed with E. coli type A ribosomes. Furthermore, they have suggested that this large volume change is consistent with two From the exhibit [M2+lIl2 values of 0.9, 1.1, and 1.4 mM, respectively. The abilities of the polyamines to associate ribosomal subunits in buffers containing 100 mM KCl and 0.20 mM MgClz were investigated. Both spermine ( [~p m ]~/~ = 0.09 mM) and sp...