Equilibrium analysis of the reaction of formaldehyde with native calf thymus DNA was carried out at temperatures below the thermal transition zone by the spectrophotometric method. The apparent equilibrium constant, Kconr,, for the conformational opening and closing reaction of base pairs along the double-helical chain, was measured in various concentrations of formaldehyde, and these values were extrapolated to the zero concentration. The value of eonf, thus obtained in the absence of the chemical probe was 0.12 in 5 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid buffer (Mes), and 0.003 in 0.15 M NaCl plus 5 mM Mes, pH 7.0, at 50 "C. These results make it possible to calculate roughly that 230 base pairs and 7 base pairs are open respectively, at 50 "C in the native DNA molecule composed of 2300 base pairs, using M , = 1.5 x lo6 for the sample used.This conformational reaction was also characterized by the following thermodynamic parameters: d GZonf. = 1.36 kcal . mol-' (5.68 kJ . mol-'), A E u n f , = 36.8 kcal . mol-' (154 kJ , mol-I), andMes, pH 7.0, at 50 "C, and the nature of the 'breathing' of base pairs was discussed.While the static aspects of the double-helical structure of DNA molecules have been extensively studied by X-ray diffraction and many other physico-chemical methods, increasing attention has been directed in recent years to the dynamic properties of the DNA helix in solution since the work of Printz and von Hippel [l]. The basic idea is that DNA is subject to local structural fluctuations, which result in frequent opening and closing or 'breathing' of base pairs even at physiological temperatures. This dynamic aspect of DNA structure has been examined by several methods, such as hydrogen exchange [ 1 -61, fluorescence depolarization [7], and formaldehyde reaction [8,9].Among these different approaches, the use of formaldehyde as a chemical probe for investigating nucleic acid structures has a considerable history since Fraenkel-Conrat [lo] observed that formaldehyde reacts with the amino groups of nucleic acids to produce ultraviolet spectral changes. Grossman et d. [ l l ] studied the kinetics of the formaldehyde reaction with mononucleotides by demonstrating that the absorption differences due to the reaction appear in a common wavelength region near 280 nm. Haselkorn and Doty 1121 also examined the reaction of formaldehyde with mononucleotides and polynucleotides, and showed that the reaction occurs in two steps for helical polyiiucleotides: the first is the denaturation of the helix, Ahbrrvirtrion. Mes, buffer containing 2-(N-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid. and the second is the formaldehyde addition to the amino groups freed by the denaturation. On the other hand, Lewin [13] found that formaldehyde reacts not only with basic amino groups of adenine, cytosine, and guanine, but also with acidic imino groups of thymine and guanine in favour of hydroxymethylation under aqueous conditions, over the original concept of Schiffs base formation of the type, R-N=CH, [lo].Extensive kinetic studies ...