Continuing the experimental (anilinolyses 1 and pyridinolyses 2 ) and theoretical studies 3 on the phosphoryl transfer reactions, the reactions of Y-O-aryl methyl phosphonochloridothioates with X-pyridines in acetonitrile at 35.0 ± 0.1 o C (Scheme 1) have been carried out kinetically to gain further information into the phosphoryl transfer reactions and substituent effects of the nucleophiles and substrates on the reaction mechanism, as well as to compare with the relevant pyridinolyses of R 1 R 2 P(=S)Cl-type substrates in MeCN.The pseudo-first-order rate constants observed (k obsd ) for all reactions obey eq. (1) with negligible k 0 (≈ 0) in MeCN. The second-order rate constants were determined with at least five pyridine concentrations [XC 5 H 4 N]. No third-order or higher-order terms were detected, and no complications were found in the determination of k obsd or in the linear plot of eq. (1). This suggests that there is no base-catalysis or noticeable side reactions, and the overall reaction follows the path given by Scheme 1.The second-order rate constants [)] are summarized in Table 1, together with selectivity parameters, ρ X , β X , ρ Y , and ρ XY . The β X values were determined using pK a values in water; the slopes from the plots of log k 2 (MeCN) against pK a (H 2 O). Justification of this procedure has been experimentally and theoretically provided.6 The substituent effects in the nucleophiles and substrates on the rates are compatible with those for a typical nucleophilic substitution reaction with positive charge development at the nucleophilic N atom (ρ X < 0 and β X > 0) and negative charge development at the reaction center P atom (ρ Y > 0) in the transition state (TS). However, the Hammett (log k 2 vs σ X ) and Brönsted [log k 2 vs pK a (X)] plots for substituent X variations in the nucleophiles exhibit a break region between X = H and 3-Cl, resulting in discrete two parts with one part for the strongly basic pyridines (X = 4-MeO, 4-Me, 3-Me, H) and the other part for the weakly basic pyridines (X = 3-Cl, 3-Ac, 4-Ac), respectively (Fig. 1). The Hammett plots (log k 2 vs σ Y ) for substituent Y variations in the substrates are biphasic downwards with a break point at Y = H (Fig. 2).