Continuing the kinetic studies of the anilinolyses of diphenyl chlorophosphate derivatives, Y-aryl phenyl [1: (C 6 3 the nucleophilic substitution reactions of bis(2,6-dimethylphenyl) chlorophosphate {4: [2,6-(CH 3 ) 2 -C 6 H 3 O] 2 P(=O)Cl} with substituted anilines (XC 6 H 4 NH 2 ) and deuterated anilines (XC 6 H 4 ND 2 ) are investigated kinetically in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at 55.0 ± 0.1 o C (Scheme 1) to gain further information into the substituent effects, steric effects, and deuterium kinetic isotope effects (DKIEs) on the reactivity and anilinolysis mechanism. The numbering of the substrates of 1-4 follows the sequence of the size of the two ligands, R 1 O and R 2 O.
Results and DiscussionThe observed pseudo-first-order rate constants (k obsd ) were found to follow eq. (1) for all of the reactions under pseudofirst-order conditions with a large excess of aniline nucleophile. The k 0 values were negligible (k 0 ≈ 0) in DMSO. The second-order rate constants (k H(D) ) were determined for at least five concentrations of anilines. The linear plots of eq. (1) suggest that there is no base-catalysis or noticeable side reaction and that the overall reaction is described by Scheme 1.The k H and k D values are summarized in Table 1, together with the DKIEs (k H /k D ) and the Hammett ρ X and Brönsted β X selectivity parameters. The β X values listed in Table 1 seem to be less reliable since the pK a values used are not those determined in DMSO, but rather in water. Using the pK a values for the anilinium ions determined in DMSO, an approximate straight line is obtained when they are plotted against those determined in water.4 Spillane and coworkers reported that the β X value for the reactions of N-phenyl sulfamoyl chloride (PhNHSO 2 Cl) with X-anilines in DMSO is similar when determined using the pK a values of anilines measured in water (β X = 0.69) and DMSO (β X = 0.62).
5Accordingly, it may be inferred that the β X values in Table 1 are reasonably positive. The pK a and σ values of deuterated anilines are assumed to be the same as those of anilines. The pK a (X) values of deuterated X-anilines may be slightly greater than those of X-anilines, however, the difference is too small to be taken into account.6 Figures 1 and 2 show the Hammett (log k H(D) vs σ X ) and Brönsted [log k H(D) vs pK a (X)] plots, respectively, for substituent X variations in the nucleophiles. The rate consistently increases with a more electrondonating substituent X in the nucleophile, which is consistent with a typical nucleophilic substitution reaction with positive charge development at the nucleophilic N atom in the transition state (TS). The magnitudes of the ρ X and β X values with the deuterated anilines are slightly greater than those with the anilines, suggesting more sensitive to substituent effects of the deuterated anilines compared to the Scheme 1. The studied reaction system.