76In the last ten years, the hypotheses that chaper ones of the HSP70 (Heat Shock Protein 70 kDa) fam ily play an important role in the biosynthesis of pro teins and other macromolecules and in sleep recovery dominate in the literature [1][2][3]. These hypothesis are insufficiently substantiated due to the use of stress models, in which a large number of chaperones are expressed in different brain structures. In addition, these models use total rest/sleep deprivation; as a result, the role of chaperones in the slow wave sleep (SWS) and paradoxical sleep cannot be distinguished.SWS accounts for approximately 80% of the total sleep time in humans, mammals, and birds [4]. Its important biological function is an increase in the rate of proteins synthesis required for the maintenance and recovery of the structure and function of nerve cells [2,5,6]. Earlier, we have shown for the first time that an increase in the levels of exogenous Hsp70 protein in the brain and the main sleep "center" in the ventrolat eral preoptic area (VLPO) of the hypothalamus is accompanied by a distinct increase in the natural slow sleep in rats and pigeons [1,7,8]. Hypotheses and our data do not provide an answer to the question as to how changes in the SWS depend on the level of HSP70 chaperones in the main sleep "center" in the VLPO. Since specific receptors for chaperones have not been found in the brain, it is impossible to solve this prob lem by the conventional methods.In this study, we investigated the characteristics of SWS and wakefulness using the method that allows a long term targeted reduction in the level of a given chaperone in the sleep "center" in the VLPO using the RNA interference technology.The lack of data and arguments in modern hypoth eses about the role of molecular chaperones in sleep regulation prompted us to create a model of a long term reduction in the expression of the Hsp70 chaper one in the main sleep "center" in the VLPO of the hypothalamus of Wistar rats based on RNA interfer ence technology. It was shown for the first time that, in the period of 6-15 days after the targeted transfection of the VLPO neurons with the lentivector pLKO.1 shRNA Hsp70, the duration of SWS in the active phase of the day decreased by 32%, which was accom panied by a 60% decrease in the Hsp70 chaperone level in the sleep "center" in the VLPO. The results obtained in our model can be used in justifying the treatment of sleep disorders and nervous system dis eases, especially in the elderly age, which is character ized by a reduction in the level of chaperones in the brain and the SWS duration. The results of this study are of priority importance.The study was carried out in 11 male Wistar rats weighing 320-350 g at an ambient temperature of 21-23°C and a photoperiod of 12 : 12. Manipulations with the animals were performed in accordance with the bioethical rules. The DSI 4ET telemetry module was implanted subcutaneously under general anesthesia. Electroencephalogram, electrooculogram, elec tromyogram, and the body temperature of anima...