968) . 9 R. M. Hochstrasser and T.-S. Lin, Symp. Faraday Soc. 3, 100 (1969).10 With first-order spin-orbit coupling selection rules, the 3BI state can connect with the ground state in dipole radiation via THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS the Tz spin state resulting in y polarization; or via the T y spin state resulting in z polarization. We showed previously2 that the former effect dominates. The observed transition to the T y spin state (with H II Y) is not obviously z-polarized, and so its intensification mechanism is not certain at this time.ll/J.n=Zn/n where the principal quantum number n=2: R. S.The treatment of diffusion-controlled bimolecular chemical reactions is extended to molecules with axially symmetrical distributions of reactivity on their spherical surfaces. Whereas an explicit solution exists for the time-dependent effective rate constant at small times, the physically more interesting solution at large times can be obtained only approximately (though to any required degree of accuracy) by solving sets of linear equations.