M. SUNITHA KUMARI and ETALO A. SECCO. Can. J . Chcm. 61, 594 (1983) The physicochemical aspects of the order-disorder phase transitions occurring in the Na2SOI-K2S0, system were investigated by thermal analyses, infrared absorption, and X-ray diffraction methods.Kinetic and structural studies on the compounds KNaSO, and K,Na(S0,)2 are reported in more detail.M. SUNITHA KUMARI et ETALO A. SECCO. Can. J . Chcm. 61, 594 (1983).Faisant appel i I'analyse thermique, a I'absorption infrarougc et i la diffraction dc rayons-X, on a dtudid les aspects physicoch~n~iqucs dcs transitions dc phase ordrc-ddsordrc sc produisant dans le systtrne Na,SO,-K2S0,.On rapporte d'unc fason plus dCtaillCc lcs ttudcs dc structurc ct dc cindtiquc cffcctudcs sur Ic KNaSO, ct le K,Na(SO,),.[Traduit par le journal] Introduction Our study on phase transitions in Na2S04 ( I ) has revealed a number of interesting effects such as the dependence of the enthalpy of transition, the dependence of the transition temperature, and the dependence of the transition kinetics on the presence of K2S0,. Since Na2S04 and K2S04 are isostructural, orthorhombic at room temperature, our earlier work on phase transitions in K2S0, (2) could be extended to embrace the complete Na2S04-K2S04 composition range.The early papers of Nacken (3) and Janecke (4) recorded the Na2S04-K2S0, phase diagram showing the existence of solid-solid phase transitions over the whole range of composition. These early phase diagrams, however, leave a number of questions unanswered, e.g. the existence of compounds, the nature of the phase transitions, etc. Although the compounds KNaSO, and K,Na(S04)2 have been known for some time, it was only recently that Okada et u f . (5) have determined both structures to be trigonal at room temperature. This paper reports the results of a study on the condensed phase transitions in the Na2S04-K2S04 system and the kinetics of the solid state reactions between Na2S04 and K2S04 leading to the formation of KNaSO, and K,Na(SO& using thermal analyses, DSC, infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray diffractometry techniques.