Most studies concerned with the potential for rais ing the intensity of emission due to the intracenter 4f transition in Er, 4 I 13/2 -4 I 15/2 (λ = 1540 nm) in films of amorphous hydrogenated silicon a Si:H doped with Er [a Si:(H, Er)] have been carried out because of the prospects for use of this semiconductor in fiber optic communication systems [6], owing to the possibility of its integration into silicon technology.To elucidate the mechanism by which REI lumi nescence spectra are formed in ZnO, GaN, and a Si:H, it is necessary to analyze (i) the position of REIs in the semiconductor matrix and the interaction of REIs with defects and impurities, (ii) position of the energy levels of REIs relative to the valence and conduction bands of the semiconductors, (iii) excitation mecha nisms and kinetic models describing the luminescence related to intracenter 4f states in REIs, (iv) REI lumi nescence quenching processes, and (v) the influence exerted by the concentration of REIs and an addition ally introduced impurity (co dopant), introduced into the semiconductor, on its photoluminescence (PL) spectra.Several studies on a Si:(H, Er) have been devoted to solving a number of problems mentioned above [6][7][8].In [6,7], basic results obtained when analyzing the influence exerted by the local environment of REIs in the amorphous matrix of a Si:H were reported. These results are used in studies of crystalline semiconductor matrices, GaN:(Eu, Er) and ZnO:(Eu, Er).Abstract-It is shown that the intensity of emission from intracenter 4f transitions in amorphous a Si:H films and crystalline (GaN, ZnO) films doped with rare earth ions is governed by the local environment of doping impurity ions. In the case of a Si:H, a pseudo octahedron with the C 4V point group is present due to nanocrystallites, which provides a local environment for rare earth ions. In the case of a hexagonal crystal lattice in crystalline GaN and ZnO films, the local symmetry of rare earth ions introduced into the semicon ductor matrix by diffusion, with a pseudo octahedron with the C 4V point group, is formed by stresses due to rare earth ion-oxygen complexes with a radius exceeding that of host ions incorporated at crystal lattice sites. In contrast to GaN films, ZnO films exhibit, on being doped with Tm, Sm, and Yb, both high intensity emission in the long wavelength spectral region, characteristic of intracenter 4f transitions in rare earth ions, and a substantial increase in intensity in the short wavelength spectral region (λ = 368-370 nm). GaN films doped with rare earth ions exhibit in this spectral range only an inhomogeneously broadened emission spec trum due to the presence of an emission band characteristic of donor acceptor recombination.