The thin film platinum resistance thermometer (heat flux gage) has been successfully applied to measurement of heat fluxes from initiators for solid propellants. Heat fluxes measured were as high as 1000 Btu/ft 2 -sec from hot, particleladen reaction products of pyrotechnic igniters. Results of heat flux studies and ignition of propellants by these igniters show good agreement with independent propellant ignition studies in shock tubes and radiation furnaces. Nomenclature H = heat or energy} = time \ T L rrii Dimensions = temperature = length .."» = slope of the ith. straight line segment, T6~l q(t) = heat flux at time t from start of igniter action, HL~26~l t = time from start of igniter action, B = temperature at the terminus of the ^'th straight line segment, T -temperature at zero time, T = thermal responsitivity (square root of the product of Ti To r density, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity) = time at terminus of the ith. straight line segment, 0 = time at the terminus of last straight line segment # (0 n = t), 6 = time variable of integration, 6A theoretical model of propagation of detonation in propellants is presented. This model is based on the hypothesis that detonation is propagated by the same rate controlling chemical reactions that occur during normal burning of the propellant. In particular, it is assumed that a grain burning of the oxidizer occurs and that the rate of linear-surface decomposition (pyrolysis) of the oxidizer can be used to describe the rate of detonation reaction. Kinetic data on the surface decomposition of ammonium perchlorate, which were obtained by the hot plate-linear pyrolysis technique, suggests that sublimation of ammonium perchlorate (with an apparent activation energy of ^22 kcal/mole) is the rate controlling step in the surface decomposition of this oxidizer. A discussion is presented on how these data can be used in conjunction with the detonation model to calculate the minimum (critical) diameters at which detonation can propagate in a cylindrical charge of solid propellant. The possible effect of various propellant parameters, i.e., oxidizer binder ratio, oxidizer particle size, confinement, etc., on the detonation process is discussed. The role of ignition, diffusion and heat conduction processes in the detonation and rapid deflagration of solid composite propellants is discussed. A preliminary theoretical approach to accelerating burning in porous propellant is also presented. This approach indicates that porous burning in rocket motors containing solid composite propellants can lead to very rapid chamber pressure build-up, so that an explosion could occur within several milliseconds after porous burning begins.