This chapter deals with selected properties of cemented carbides and their testing. It consists of three main sub-chapters. The first one covers the degradation processes associated with grinding of cemented carbides. Among those, the focus is on the effects of thermal loads and reactions with the environment-the atmosphere. The second main sub-chapter describes the origin of residual stresses and their impact on cemented carbide properties. Finally, the third main sub-chapter explores the corrosion of cemented carbides in various environments. The choice of these topics was inspired by the impression that many users have of cemented carbides: indestructible materials in which no degradation takes place either during the production of cutting tools or during their use. As evidenced by the authors' experience described below, which has been acquired over many years in the field, damage in cemented carbides is a very frequent occurrence. Despite that it still receives very little attention, and especially the damage in cemented carbide cutting tools tends to be ascribed to various other factors, such as the applied coatings, the cutting process conditions and the material of the workpiece.