In trypanosomes, the large mitochondrial genome within the kinetoplast is physically connected to the flagellar basal bodies and is segregated by them during cell growth. The structural linkage enabling these phenomena is unknown. We have developed novel extraction/fixation protocols to characterize the links involved in kinetoplast-flagellum attachment and segregation. We show that three specific components comprise a structure that we have termed the tripartite attachment complex (TAC). The TAC involves a set of filaments linking the basal bodies to a zone of differentiated outer and inner mitochondrial membranes and a further set of intramitochondrial filaments linking the inner face of the differentiated membrane zone to the kinetoplast. The TAC and flagellum-kinetoplast DNA connections are sustained throughout the cell cycle and are replicated and remodeled during the periodic kinetoplast DNA S phase. This understanding of the high-order trans-membrane linkage provides an explanation for the spatial position of the trypanosome mitochondrial genome and its mechanism of segregation. Moreover, the architecture of the TAC suggests that it may also function in providing a structural and vectorial role during replication of this catenated mass of mitochondrial DNA. We suggest that this complex may represent an extreme form of a more generally occurring mitochondrion/cytoskeleton interaction.
INTRODUCTIONThe African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei belongs to a large order of pathogenic and free-living flagellated protozoa designated the kinetoplastida. The majority of these organisms possess a single mitochondrion containing a structural mass of proteins and catenated circular DNA molecules, the kinetoplast. The kinetoplast is essential for survival and cyclical transmission of the parasite between mammalian host and tsetse fly. Early light microscope descriptions of trypanosomes recognized the precise location of the kinetoplast in proximity to the base of the flagellum (Robertson, 1912(Robertson, , 1913. The positions of the flagellum and kinetoplast have become the central features in classifying the different life cycle stages of kinetoplastids (Hoare and Wallace, 1966;Vickerman, 1976). Electron microscopy revealed the kinetoplast to be a highly complex disk-shaped structure located within a distended portion of the mitochondrial matrix adjacent to the flagellum basal bodies (Vickerman, 1973). The T. brucei kinetoplast consists of multiple copies of topologically interlocked circular DNA molecules termed maxicircles and minicircles, along with specific kinetoplast proteins. The maxicircle composition of the T. brucei network is 25-50 copies and represents 10% of the network mass (each maxicircle is 20 kb and all have identical DNA sequence). Maxicircles encode the mitochondrial proteins and some guide RNAs (gRNAs), whereas the minicircles are present in several thousand copies (1 kb in length), are heterogeneous in sequence, and encode gRNAs. The gRNAs are essential for the RNA editing process whereby the maxic...