Calorimetric measurements on biological systems from small molecules to whole organisms lead to a new conception of the nature of live matter that has profound consequences for our understanding of biology. The data show that the differences in Gibbs energy (ΔG) and enthalpy (ΔH) are near zero or negative and the difference in entropy (ΔS) is near zero between a random mixture of molecules and live matter of the same composition. A constant input of energy is required to maintain ion gradients, ATP production, and the other functions of living matter, but because cells are organized in a spontaneous process, no energy input is required to maintain the structure or organization of cells. Thus, the origin of life and evolution of complex life forms occurs by thermodynamically spontaneous processes, carbon-based life should be common throughout the universe, and because there is no energy cost, evolution can occur relatively rapidly.However, observations on biological systems challenge Schrödinger's model. Despite the assumed formidable energy and entropy costs, life did originate at least once, and possibly more than once [2]. Second, energy from catabolism is not transferred into new tissue during growth; catabolic reactions are used in driving (i.e., increasing the rates of) anabolic reactions but do not contribute to an overall higher-energy state in the anabolic products [2,3]. Third, live matter exists in a state of suspended animation or in a state with an extremely low rate of respiration for extended lengths of time without energy input (e.g., see [4][5][6][7]), for example, microorganisms, resurrection plants, seeds, spores, estivating animals, bdelloids, and inhabitants of desert ephemeral pools. Fourth, experimental data show that life does not always feed on negentropy [8]. And, evolutionary changes occur with frequencies that are difficult to envision if change to more complex life forms requires formation of ever-lower-entropy, higher-energy, metastable states.Explication of the reaction defining the thermodynamic system in which live matter is formed from nonliving matter resolves the apparent inconsistencies between Schrödinger's model for live matter and these observations. Schrödinger [1] did not explicitly define the reaction used to conclude that the entropy of live matter is lower than that of the "foodstuffs" from which it was formed. The product is clearly living cells, tissues, or an organism, but the state of the live matter and what is meant by "foodstuffs", i.e., the reactants, are not clear. Is the live matter an animal in motion or is it an embryo in a seed in a state of suspended animation? In autotrophs, "foodstuffs" could mean CO 2 , H 2 O, and N 2 , or it could mean the substrates for respiration such as carbohydrates and amino acids. Whether living tissues are in a high-or a low-energy state is relative to the reactants and thus depends on the system considered.Comparison of a random mixture of molecules in aqueous solution and live matter of the same composition is the appropriate...