So far, direct assistance provided by the government to the community or poor families in the community is in the form of direct cash assistance. The program is in the form of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). However, the assistance is insufficient to have a significant impact on the community in order for the family to become independent. The dynamics of social life are so complex that they experience the spirit of the Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), which is to make people more independent. Concrete evidence should be a sign that the poor are independent, namely, they will graduate themselves without coercion from anyone. This means that they release the assistance provided by the government in the form of the Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) without coercion and with full awareness. The graduation process that has occurred and has not yet occurred has become a dynamic that needs to be seen from a scientific perspective, thus providing scientific information about the dynamics that occur in the community of Way Wakak Village, North Lampung Regency. Therefore, to see the dynamics of graduation in the spectrum of knowledge, a study was conducted on ”GRADUASI: Construction Independence Receiver Benefits of the Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) in Rural Areas” in Way Wakak Village, North Lampung. The study aims provide an overview of the dynamics of graduation that occurs in the midst of the poor, who will later find a formulation to make a more independent society. This study uses a qualitative method with case studies. In addition, this study also uses quantitative techniques in collecting data, both in the form of primary and secondary data. This research was conducted in Way Wakak Village, North Lampung. With this method and the field of study that will be investigated, this study will produce the dynamics of PKH beneficiary families in their social life, whether they are already empowered after the assistance or otherwise. The aim is to know the condition of the community comprehensively and is useful to provide an overview and appropriate solutions that can be offered if the assistance is not significantly successful. Thus, the graduation which is part of the PKH is actually carried out by the community voluntarily on the basis of their independence.
Keywords: graduation, construction, independence, beneficiaries, PKH