Meniscus had two areas with different vascular supply. Cells of the two areas and the synovium were monolayer cultivated. We analyzed the expression of genes of Col1, Col 2A, MMP-2, MMP-13, and aggrecan in a baseline state and after incubation with VEGF, TGF-b, FGF, and IGF. We found that the growth factors used produced a major increase in the MMP-13 in all three areas. In the vascular area, the stimulation of MMP-3 was produced by FGF, while in the synovial and avascular areas, it was caused by TGFb. MMP-2 was only stimulated in the synovial area by IGF. Col 2A was stimulated in the synovial area by VEGF, and in the avascular area by TGF-b, FGF, and IGF, whereas Col 1 was stimulated in the avascular area by IGF, FGF, and VEGF. The vascular or avascular areas of the meniscus, behave differently in terms of repair, and their cells express different factors. The growth factors act in a different way in each meniscal area. ß