The purpose of this note is to answer affirmatively a question posed by both Gay, and Hughes, Kim and Miller as to whether every 3-ball smoothly embedded in the 4-sphere becomes isotopic relative to the bounding 2-sphere when pushed into the 5-ball.The following note serves to answer the question as to if any 3-ball embedded in S 4 remains knotted when pushed into B 5 .Theorem 1 Let U be the unknotted S 2 's in S 4 . Let B and B two embedded 3-balls with ∂B = ∂B = U. Then B is isotopic to B rel U in B 5 .Using a standard innermost disk argument, one can show that the 1-unknot bounds a unique disk up to isotopy in S 3 . Now in [1], the authors showed the same result is false for 2-unknot in S 4 . In fact, they showed there is infinitely many non-isotopic 3-balls bounding the same 2-sphere. Now, based on their construction, it is easy to see all the Budney-Gabai examples become isotopic when pushed into the 5-ball. In light of this, it is natural to ask if any 3-ball can remain knotted. In [4], Hughes Kim and Miller answered the question for most higher genus surfaces. They showed that for every unknotted surface of genus of at least 2, there existence of a pair of handlebodies, H 1 and H 2 , smoothly embedded in S 4 with ∂H 1 = ∂H 2 , such that H 1 is not isotopic to H 2 relative to ∂H, even when pushed into the 5-ball. Our result shows that, at least for 3-balls bounding U, they are always isotopic when pushed into the 5-ball.The unknotting of 3-balls arose from a different context for Gay. In section 4 of [3], Gay introduces the notion of 5-dimensional dotted 1-and 2-handles. Let U denote the unknotted 2-sphere in S 4 , and let B be any 3-ball bounding U. Considering S 4 as the boundary of B 5 , we can push the interior of the 3-ball into the 5-ball, then carve out a neighborhood. The resulting bounding 4-manifold is S 1 × S 3 , and the main theorem of this note implies that the 5-manifold is in fact S 1 × B 4 . So, just like in the 4-dimensional case, carving out any B 3 bounding U is equivalent to attaching a 5-dimensional 1-handle.