KUČEROVÁ RENATA, SKÝPALOVÁ RENATA, BLAŠKOVÁ VERONIKA. 2015. Factors Infl uencing the Implementation of the CSR Concept in the Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 63(6): 1979Brunensis, 63(6): -1985 There is an increase of the companies' engagement in the concept of social responsibility in the Czech Republic. However, the engagement is still at a lower level when compared to other countries of Western Europe. The use and knowledge of the CSR concept in the companies in the Czech Republic was the subject of the research realized at the end of 2013 and in the fi rst half of 2014. This paper deals with the question which factors infl uence the engagement of enterprises in the CSR in the Czech Republic. The statistical testing proved that the company size and the form of ownership have a signifi cant infl uence on the company's engagement in the CSR activities. P-value is always < 0.001, Pearson coeffi cient is in the interval of 0.35 -0.37 and Cramer coeffi cient is in the interval of 0.37-0.39. The dependence between the category of economic activity and the region of the headquarters was not proved as signifi cant; p-value only < 0.05.