SVOBODA EMIL: Economic crisis in company's management and possibilities of their solving. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2013, LXI, No. 7, pp. 2821-2826 The scientifi c paper shows results formulated in researches MSM 6215648904 Brno, 2012) and EP focused in analysis of managerial, fi nancial and economic risks and methods of their solving in strategical decision making of business TOP management in a new entrepreneurial environment with infl uences caused by integration processes, development of information technology and factors of globalization. There is analyzed the situation in Bioveta, Ltd. Ivanovice na Hané in detail. crisis management, algorithm, information technology, life cycle of the company, crisis matrix, business managementThe changes taking place in Europe as well as in the world have a signifi cant impact on all economies, i.e. including the economy of the Czech Republic. Other major factors include the globalization of the market environment permeating virtually all spheres of society.Hron (2001) states that the basic constant in the management of the development of business entities is change the proper control over which is the basic criterion for assessing the managerial work of all company managers.The economic situation characterized by the development of the crisis gradually arose in the developed economies of the world. Švejnar (2008) states that the United States of America were the fi rst initiator of the crisis, namely due to implementing a much less tight monetary policy in 2000, the other factors being the boom in the real estate market, complicated fi nancial instruments, the ensuing panic and some other problems, banks and insurance companies going bankrupt, high prices of oil and foodstuff s, etc.Heide and Simonsson (2013) state that in the traditional crisis management and crisis communication literature organizational errors are seen as something entirely negative, even though error-free organizations should be considered as a chimera. Attention to errors is an important characteristic of so called high reliability organizations (HRO). These organizations have a safety culture that functions proactively and errors are understood as vital sources for resilience, learning and improvement.New developments in information technologies also strongly infl uence the behaviour of business entities. Gates (1999) states that the fl ow of digital information makes it possible to transform all kinds and types of information into a uniform digital form and save the information in any computer, and subsequently process and forward the information. This fact is extremely important especially for all levels of management as all management processes are actually decision-making processes and subsequently infl uencing and checking processes, which means that all the above processes are in fact taking place through information processes. The company information system should satisfy the needs of all company functions by providing the necessary qu...