Every new design, project, or procedure within a company generates a considerable amount of new information and important knowledge. Furthermore, a tremendous amount of legacy knowledge already exists in companies in electronic and non-electronic formats, and techniques are needed for representing, structuring and reusing this knowledge. Many researchers have spent considerable time and effort developing semantic knowledge management systems, which in theory are presumed to address these problems. Despite significant research investments, little has been done to implement these systems within an industrial setting. In this paper we identify five main requirements to the development of an industry-ready application of semantic knowledge management systems and discuss how each of these can be addressed. These requirements include the ease of new knowledge management software adoption, the incorporation of legacy information, the ease of use of the user interface, the security of the stored information, and the robustness of the software to support multiple file types and allow for the sharing of information across platforms. Collaboration with Raytheon, a defense and aerospace systems company, allowed our team to develop and demonstrate a successful adoption of semantic abilities by a commercial company. Salient features of this work include a new tool, the e-Design MemoExtractor Software Tool, designed to mine and capture company information, a Raytheon-specific extension to the e-Design Framework, and a novel semantic environment in the form of a customized semantic wikiSMW+. The advantages of this approach are discussed in the context of the industrial case study with Raytheon.
RightsThis material is declared a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
ABSTRACTEvery new design, project, or procedure within a company generates a considerable amount of new information and important knowledge. Furthermore, a tremendous amount of legacy knowledge already exists in companies in electronic and non-electronic formats, and techniques are needed for representing, structuring and reusing this knowledge. Many researchers have spent considerable time and effort developing semantic knowledge management systems, which in theory are presumed to address these problems. Despite significant research investments, little has been done to implement these systems within an industrial setting.In this paper we identify five main requirements to the development of an industry-ready application of semantic knowledge management systems and discuss how each of these can be addressed. These requirements include the ease of new knowledge management software adoption, the incorporation of legacy information, the ease of use of the user interface, the security of the stored information, and the robustness of the software to support multiple file types and allow for the sharing of information across platforms.Collaboration with ...