The objective of the present S1 guidelines is to present current knowledge about dermatologically relevant diseases associated with localized dermal lymphostasis, thus facilitating their early detection, diagnostic workup, and targeted treatment. Whenever possible, treatment should be based on stage-appropriate and clearly defined algorithms. The numerous issues regarding differential diagnosis and treatment clinicians are confronted with in everyday clinical practice seem to warrant the publication of up-to-date guidelines. These guidelines focus on patients of all age groups and genders exhibiting skin lesions caused by dermal lymphostasis. Specific recommendations are provided with respect to the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the various clinical manifestations. In this context, comorbid skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, urticaria, and contact dermatitis will be highlighted, including their treatment and associated specific risks. Several other relevant current guidelines are referenced as regards the distinction from and treatment of common cofactors and comorbid conditions.