This study aims to determine the method of learning Arabic in the Salaf and Modern islamic boarding school in Salatiga City. The two Islamic boarding school that are the object of research are Hidayatul Mubtadi'in in the Kalibening sub-district and Pondok Modern Asy-Syurkati in the Sideorejo Lor sub-district, Salatiga City, a small city in Central Java that became the most tolerant city in Indonesia according to the Setara Institute version in 2020. This includes identifying what became the target of the two boarding school in teaching Arabic and what programs were used to achieve it. This research is a qualitative research, through case studies using interview, observation and documentation techniques with data analysis using interactive analysis. From this research, it was found that Pondok Hidayatul Mubtadi'in which has a salaf pattern applies two learning models, namely, memorizing Arabic qowaid (grammatical and morphological) and applying it in the study of Arabic books, so the method used is the method of rules and translation. Meanwhile, Pondok Asy-Syurkati, which has a modern style, applies several learning models in addition to memorizing qawaid, but also applies a dialogue model (muhadatsah), adding vocabulary with certain themes and using audiovisuals where students learn Arabic from native speakers. Thus Pondok Asy-Syurkati uses several Arabic language learning methods, namely the rule and translation method, the direct method (thoriqoh mubasyaroh), the Mim-Mem method (mimicry and memorization) and the audiolingual method.