Gurcu goats (Capra falconeri) originating from the Caucasus, also known as Tbilisi goat or Caucasian goat, are bred in Northern Anatolia, especially in Kars province and Çıldır district of Ardahan (Figure 1). The Gurcu goat, which is mostly black, gray and white in color, originates from the auger horned goat Capra falconeri and may show similarities with the Abaza goats bred especially in the Şavşat or Borçka region (1,2).Arteria celiaca, at the level of the last thoracal and first lumbar vertebra (3-6) or the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae (7,8), just before the origin of arteria mesenterica cranialis, it emerges from the ventral wall of abdominal aorta. Some authors (9-11) reported that this vessel can originate by forming a common root with the arteria mesenterica cranialis. Arteria celiaca supplies three main branches, arteria gastrica Figure 1. Male Gurcu goat