For many health and health-care problems in the population, there is a need for professional management and coordination instruments as well as a competent local network. The new "Health Regions" in Bavaria offer such a structure. This new concept is presented in the following article. The "Health Regions" aim to improve the population's health, the health-related quality of life, equity in health, as well as to further develop the local health care. The Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care will support up to 24 regions with a funding of up to 50 000 Euro yearly per "Health Region" until the end of 2019. The structure of "Health Regions" implies the establishment of a coordinating agency that works as a "motor", a health forum on the strategic level and relevant working groups. "Health Regions" involve all relevant stakeholders of the regional health system and are chaired by the district administrator or mayor. They work primarily in the fields of health care and prevention/health promotion but can also pursue other region-specific fields. The Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority supports and evaluates the "Health Regions". There is also a coordinating office which organises the exchange of information and experience among the "Health Regions". Although such a comprehensive regional approach does not change the statutory decision-making structures and responsibilities it does offer the communities an instrument to involve local needs in their decision-making processes.