Red lead (Pb3O4)‐ and ZnO‐containing anticorrosion paints in the past have been extensively applied to high‐voltage steel pylons which has led to heavy metal (HM) soil contaminations in their vicinity. Since pylons are commonly found on agricultural land, there is a potential risk of HM plant uptake. This is promoted by the fact that in contrast to the moderate total Pb contents (several 100 mg kg–1) in three nutrient‐poor and acidic pylon soils the Pb amounts extractable with NH4NO3 were extremely high, reaching almost 20% of total Pb. A 18‐week field pot trial (three harvests in a six‐week interval) using Lolium multiflorum was conducted to study the HM plant uptake and the efficiency of the four soil additives, lime (LI), Novaphos (NP), water‐treatment sludge (WS), and ilmenite residue (IR) in reducing the plant uptake and NH4NO3‐extractability of Pb and Zn in the soils. Lead concentrations in L. multiflorum shoots grown in the untreated soils reached maximum values of 128 mg (kg dry weight)–1. Novaphos was most efficient in decreasing shoot Pb (–90%) followed by LI (–78%) and WS (–73%). For Zn, too, LI (–82%), NP, and WS (both –66%) substantially reduced plant uptake. Ilmenite residue was generally only poorly efficient. The dry‐matter yield in the NP, LI, and WS treatments was significantly increased. While the relationship between Pb‐NH4NO3 and Pb‐plant was high when considering the three harvests separately (R > 0.93) a poor relationship (R = 0.63) exists over all harvests together. This was attributed to different transpiration rates affecting the HM flux into the plants, since the temperature regime changed greatly during the cultivation period. For Zn, no such close relationship between the NH4NO3‐extractable soil fraction and shoot Zn was found, most likely due to antagonistic effects from Mg which greatly varied in the three soils.