Diaconis and Griffiths (2014) study the multivariate Krawtchouk polynomials orthogonal on the multinomial distribution. In this paper we derive the reproducing kernel orthogonal polynomials Q n (x, y; N, p) on the multinomial distribution which are sums of products of orthonormal polynomials in x and y of fixed total degree n = 0, 1, . . . , N . N n=0 ρ n Q n (x, y; N, p) arises naturally from a probabilistic argument. An application to a multinomial goodness of fit test is developed, where the chi-squared test statistic is decomposed into orthogonal components which test the order of fit. A new duplication formula for the reproducing kernel polynomials in terms of the 1-dimensional Krawtchouk polynomials is derived. The duplication formula allows a Lancaster characterization of all reversible Markov chains with a multinomial stationary distribution whose eigenvectors are multivariate Krawtchouk polynomials and where eigenvalues are repeated within the same total degree. The χ 2 cutoff time, and total variation cutoff time is investigated in such chains.Emphasis throughout the paper is on a probabilistic understanding of the polynomials and their applications, particularly to Markov chains.