Corporative social responsability, in recommendations or international guidelines, sets forth in the section of labor standards respect and care for the integrity of workers as an interested party within an organization. Workplace harassment in organizations harms workers morally, psychologically and physically.It is undeniable that in plenty of organizations workers are either misstread or harassed when they are either no longer requiered in said organization or are new entrants or there is some rivalry in between. Due to the aforementioned, it was pertinent to investigate the existence of these variables in the government of the Municipality of San Juan del Río, Querétaro, as an administrative political body, in the 2015-2018 administration, with the aim of knowing the practices in labor matters wich uses dependency, as a socially responsible body. The problem was analyzed through a quantitative approach with descriptive scope using the types of documentary and field research, using the case study of the Municipal Culture and Tourism Directorate, with the hypothetical deductive method and nor experimental design. The results derived from the research instruments show that the agency has good labor practices in a percentage of 40%, in the same way, they show that the existence of workplace harassment or abuse is low, since 25% of the dependency workers were surveyed and harassment practices were found in 16.66%.