A B S T R A C T This paper presents the dynamic response (|E*|) and fatigue behaviour of various asphalt concrete mixtures subjected to sinusoidal compressive loading. Eight different wearing and base mixtures including Superpave, Asphalt Institute, British Standard dense bituminous macadam and Pakistan's National Highway Authority gradations were selected, and gyratory compacted specimens were fabricated. Laboratory investigations of |E*| at various temperatures (4.4 to 54.4°C) and loading frequencies (0.1 to 25 Hz) were used to construct stress-dependent master curves separately, for wearing and base course mixtures. The indicators of dynamic response and viscous (or elastic) properties of the mixtures were used to derive fatigue parameter to estimate the resistance to fatigue, and results revealed that Superpave wearing and NHA-B base course had better resistance to fatigue for evaluated mixtures. Also, the sensitivity of the dynamic modulus to the variation in hot mix asphalt mix properties using different aggregate gradation, diverse loading frequencies and temperature were evaluated.