We investigated the presence of plasmalemma-bound copper-containing oxidases associated with the inducible iron (Fe) transport system in two diatoms of the genus Thalassiosira. Under Fe-limiting conditions, Thalassiosira oceanica, an oceanic isolate, was able to enzymatically oxidize inorganic Fe(II) extracellularly. This oxidase activity was dependent on copper (Cu) availability and diminished by exposure to a multi-Cu oxidase (MCO) inhibitor. The rates of Fe uptake from ferrioxamine B by Fe-limited T. oceanica were also dependent on Cu availability in the growth media. The effects of Cu limitation on Fe(II) oxidation and Fe uptake from ferrioxamine B were partially reversed after a short exposure to a Cu addition, indicating that the putative oxidases contain Cu. Limited physiological experiments were also performed with the coastal diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana and provided some evidence for putative Cu-containing oxidases in the high-affinity Fe transport system of this isolate. To support these preliminary physiological data, we searched the newly available T. pseudonana genome for a multi-Cu-containing oxidase gene and, using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), quantified its expression under various Fe and Cu levels. We identified a putative MCO gene with predicted transmembrane domains and found that transcription levels of this gene were significantly elevated in Fe-limited cells relative to Fe-replete cells. These data collectively suggest that putative MCOs are part of the inducible Fe transport system of Fe-limited diatoms, which act to oxidize Fe(II) following reductive dissociation of Fe(III) from strong organic complexes.To date, most studies of Cu nutrition in marine phytoplankton have focused on its toxicity. Laboratory and field studies have shown that the concentrations of Cu(II) in some coastal regions are high enough to inhibit the growth of certain phytoplankton taxa (Brand et al. 1986) and to affect the composition of phytoplankton assemblages (Sunda et al. 1981;Moffett et al. 1997). In turn, phytoplankton are known to influence the speciation of dissolved Cu in seawater by releasing strong Cu organic ligands in response to Cu toxicity (Moffett and Brand 1996;Croot et al. 2000;Vasconcelos and Leal 2001).Less is known about the essentiality of Cu to marine phytoplankton. It has been established that Cu, a redoxactive transition metal, acts as a cofactor in enzymes that scavenge reactive oxygen species and catalyze other redox reactions, and is therefore vital for growth. Thus far, Cu has been shown to be involved in the detoxification of superoxide radicals (i.e., Cu-containing superoxide dismutases) (Chadd et al. 1996), the breakdown of organic N sources (Palenik et al. 1988(Palenik et al. , 1989, and the electron transport chain reactions of photosynthesis (i.e., plastocyanin) (Sandmann et al. 1983) and respiration (cytochrome oxidase) (Stryer 1988).One of the most intriguing findings about Cu nutrition in microorganisms over the past decade has been the identification of...