“…Hall (written commun., 1957), Honkala (1949b), Honkala (1953), Karlstrom (1948), Kennedy (1949 andwritten commun., 1952), Klemme (1949), Klepper (1950), Klepper and others (1957), M. R. Klepper (unpub. map compilation of region about Boulder Batholith), Love and others (1955), Lowell (1949), , McMannis (1955), Mann (1950), G. T. Moore (1956), Myers (1952), Peale (1896), E. S. Perry (unpub. map information, Three Forks area, Montana), Richards and Pardee (1926), Robinson (1963), Ross and others (1955), Ross and Forrester (1947), Sahinen (1939Sahinen ( , 1950, Scholten and others (1955), Skeels (1939), Swanson (1951), Theodosis (1955), and Wilson (1934b). rock produced by mining contains mostly phosphorite but may also contain mudstone, sandstone, carbonate rock, or chert that occur in thin layers or lenses within the mined sequence, and these rocks may be poorly to richly phosphatic.…”