Sperm morphology and regulation of sperm motility of lake minnow Eupallasella percnurus, an endangered cyprinid, were investigated. Milt characteristics from two isolated populations of E. percnurus were compared to characterize the interpopulation diversity. Electron microscopic studies revealed that E. percnurus spermatozoa comprise simple, uniflagellate, anacrosomal aquasperm with species-specific features as an eccentrically located implantation of nuclear fossa and eccentric insertion of flagellum. Sperm motility was significantly inhibited by relatively low ion concentrations (150, 150 and 8 mM for NaCl, KCl and CaCl2 , respectively). Sperm maintained a high motility rate over a wide pH range (5.5-10.5), which may reflect adaptation to a highly variable environment. The two E. percnurus populations were markedly different in milt volume, sperm concentration, seminal plasma pH, sperm motility and beat cross frequency, which may result from genetic differences and environmental conditions.