IntroductionThe submerged membrane filtration has been increasingly used in membrane bioreactor and wastewater treatment processes in recent years. 1,2 In particular, the submerged hollow fiber membrane systems have gained more popularity than either flat-sheet or tubular membrane modules due to lower cost in fabrication and energy saving in operation. 3,4 However, it is very difficult to control the hydrodynamics of such systems owning to the Page 2 of 45
AIChE Journal AIChE JournalThis article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Revised manuscript AIChE-15-16842R2 for submission to AIChE Journal 3 non-uniform local flux distribution along the hollow fiber membrane. 5 As a result, hollow fibers may be more prone to fouling and require more frequent washing and cleaning. 6 Recently, a number of studies on modeling and optimization of the submerged hollow fiber membrane module have been carried out to alleviate membrane fouling and increase filtration efficiency. Chang and Fane 7 developed a mathematic model for submerged hollow fiber filtration under constant flux operating mode by combining Hagen-Poiseuille equation with the concept of critical flux. In this study, the effects of fiber characteristics (length, radius and membrane resistance) on local flux distribution along the fiber were investigated. Chang et al. 8 further reported an improved model using the cake filtration theory developed by Petsev et al. In addition, Lee et al. 12 developed a quantitative method to determine the major fouling during drinking water production under various conditions through combining three different fouling mechanisms such as standard blocking, complete blocking and cake formation. Similarly, by examining pressure drop cross the membrane and cake separately, Kinčl et al. 13 developed a fundamental mathematical analysis for local flux distribution along the hollow fiber with compressible cake formation. To achieve maximum energy balance coupled with the application of exponential model to predict the permeate flux of hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane. The simulated results showed that the effect of operating pressure on permeate flux is more significant than that of feed concentration.Especially, Kim et al. 16 described a perturbation approach of the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations to investigate the effect of membrane length and hydraulic resistance on the steady-state laminar flow of the fluid in the fiber lumen. It indicated that the flow velocity in fiber lumen represents the exponential variation along the axial direction.Although these models provide valuable insight into the filtration behavior under various operating conditions, they only focused on the overall separation performance rather than local filtration behavior. In addition, as the simulated results have been barely proved by
AIChE JournalThis article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Revised manuscript AIChE-15-16842R2 for submission to AIChE Journal 5 experimental tests, the applications of these theoretical works are...