“…The same methodology has also been employed to compute the leading optimal perturbation [231] in magnetohydrodynamic flows [280], or best exemplified by [35,36] on backward facing steps and stenotic pipe flows. It has also been used to solve high-dimensional Ricatti equations for linear optimal control in [235], or to study the stability properties of flow governed by the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with or without shocks [94,95,226]. These include modal and non-modal stability of compressible boundary layers [49,50,117,125,218], cavities [41,247,253,277], wavepackets in jets [26,192,236], transonic buffet [75-77, 199, 200, 255], including the flow past the NASA Common Research wing Model [254,255], wakes [181] and bluff bodies [163,164,226,227].…”