Background: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) provides a powerful tool for developing new high-efficiency aerosol delivery strategies, such as nose-to-lung (N2L) aerosol administration to infants and children using correctly sized aerosols. The objective of this study was to establish numerically efficient CFD solution methods and guidelines for simulating N2L aerosol administration to an infant based on comparisons with concurrent in vitro experiments. Materials and Methods: N2L administration of a micrometer-sized aerosol (mass median aerodynamic diameter [MMAD] ¼ 1.4 lm) was evaluated using concurrent CFD simulations and in vitro experiments. Aerosol transport and deposition was assessed in a new nasal airway geometry of a 6-month-old infant with a streamlined nasal cannula interface, which was constructed as a CFD mesh and three-dimensionally printed to form an identical physical prototype. CFD meshes explored were a conventional tetrahedral approach with nearwall (NW) prism elements and a new polyhedral mesh style with an equally refined NW layer. The presence of turbulence in the model was evaluated using a highly efficient low-Reynolds number (LRN) k-x turbulence model, with previously established NW corrections that accounted for anisotropic wall-normal turbulence as well as improved NW velocity interpolations and hydrodynamic particle damping. Results: Use of the new polyhedral mesh was found to improve numerical efficiency by providing more rapid convergence and requiring fewer control volumes. Turbulent flow was found in the nasal geometry, generated by the inlet jets from the nasal cannula interface. However, due to the small particle size, turbulent dispersion was shown to have little effect on deposition. Good agreement was established between the CFD predictions using the numerically efficient LRN k-x model with appropriate NW corrections and in vitro deposition data. Aerosol transmission efficiencies through the delivery tube, nasal cannula, and infant nasal model, based on experimental and CFD predictions, were 93.0% and 91.5%, respectively. Conclusions: A numerically efficient CFD approach was established to develop transnasal aerosol administration to infants and children. Small particle aerosols with aerodynamic diameters of *1.5 lm were confirmed to have low inertial depositional loss, and have low deposition from turbulent dispersion, making them ideal for high-efficiency lung delivery through an infant nasal cannula interface.